Why everything you think you know about life insurance is wrong

Reading this thinking, "Ah, ! not another boring article about life insurance", well then, you'd be wrong. We don't write boring articles.

But because life insurance isn't always the most exciting thing to read about and research as you go on your journey towards being protected, we decided to answer the most common questions and inaccuracies our team tends to see daily.

In this series of articles, we’ll explore the common misconceptions and inaccuracies about life insurance to help you decide what type and how much life insurance you need.

To scroll to a particular article in this series, just click the link below:

Looking to talk to a financial adviser to help you out or to get you a quote in seconds? Then simply visit www.onespark.co.za and chat to one of our expert advisers.

Assumptions: Internal OneSpark research. Ts and Cs apply. Assuming 8% salary inflation until age 65 and a risk discount rate of 10%. Premiums are risk profile dependant and subject to change. Comparisons done on a like-for-like basis against major insurers as at June 2021. Assuming a 21 year old female professional, SE class 1, non-smoker. Mobile phone insurance taken from publicly available online sources and assuming an apple iPhone 13 pro. Home insurance taken from publicly available online sources and assuming a house with a value of R 1million. https://bit.ly/348Txxl